KOSMOS Himmelsjahr 2023: Sonne, Mond und Sterne im Jahreslauf by Hans-Ulrich Keller

Sternbilder am Himmel entdecken, Planeten erkennen oder die nächste Mondfinsternis beobachten – das „KOSMOS Himmelsjahr“ ist der zuverlässige Wegweiser zu den astronomischen Ereignissen des Jahres: Kalenderdaten: der Beginn der Jahreszeiten, alle Fest- und Feiertage sowie chronologische Angaben. Sonne und Mond: Auf- und Untergangszeiten, Stellung im Tierkreis, tägliche Mondphasen und Finsternisse. Planetenlauf: Bahn der Planeten durch die Sternbilder, wann man sie sehen kann und wo sie sich treffen. Sterne und Sternbilder: mit übersichtlichen Sternkarten, ausführlichen Beschreibungen und Fernrohrtipps. Monatsthemen: spannende Berichte über astronomische Phänomene im Alltag und die Rätsel des Weltalls. Himmlisches Highlight im Jahr 2023: partielle Mondfinsternis am 28. Oktober.

Genre: Nachschlagewerk, Skydiving, Sternkarte
Subjects: Astrophysik, Erde, Erdmond, Exobiologie, Galaxien, Himmelsmechanik, Kosmologie, Mars, Photometrie, Sternbilder, Sternentwicklung, Teleskope

Starlog Photo Guidebook – Space Art (1978) by Ron Miller

Neal Armstrong was not the first person to set foot on the Moon. Hundreds of thousands of men, woren, and children had already been there and were watching that historic television broadcast in 1969 just to see if NASA’s discoveries would live up to the visions we had already seen. Earlier visions had been supplied, not by scientists, but by artists – by Chesley Bonestell, Fred Freeman, and Rolf Klep, among others. These painters and illustrators had engaged in an important human process called extrapolation.

Strictly defined, extrapolation means to infer an unknown from something that is known. In the visual arts, the process of inferring leads to more than just guesses and reasoned conclusions – it leads to realistic pictures. Viewers can do more than appreciate the abstract speculation of scientists and astronomers, we can see them in concrete reality.

Space artists make it possible for us to walk on the Moon.

Good extrapolation requires a keen mind – one that can understand the frontiers of knowledge in the various sciences involved, and can fill in the gaps with reasoned assumptions that are not out of line with the known facts.

And, of course, the professional space artist must also be a master of rendering techniques and possess a vivid sense of imagination, of wonder, and of the Romantic spirit.

If one saw a classified job ad that listed the necessary skills for a space artist position, most good artists would find that they need not bother to apply.

Space artists are special people, miles above the arbitrary splashers and dribblers who clutter Madison Avenue galleries, yet the artistic abilities of space artists have never received the serious attention and praise from critics that they deserve. And their cultural contributions – their inspiration to scientists and to the public – have likewise remained unrecognized.

It is toward correcting that error that this book is dedicated – the first ever devoted exclusively to space art.

Genre: Bildersprache, Kunstband
Subjects: Astrophysik, Exobiologie, Kosmologie, Mars, Sternentwicklung

The complete War of the Worlds – Mars’ Invasion of Earth from H.G. Wells to Orson Welles (2001) by Alex Lubertozzi, Brian Holmsten, John Callaway

In 1898, H.G. Wells wanted to find out what it would be like if an intelligent race of Martians turned the tables on Victorian England by conquering and colonizing the world’s greatest empire. For readers around the world, The War of the Worlds elicited their darkest, deepest fears.

In 1938, Orson Welles and his Mercury Theatre on the Air adapted the H.G. Wells novel to radio and used that medium’s immediacy, along with a series of realistic “newsflashes” as part of the story, to drive more than a million people mad with terror. Orson Welles said he “wanted people to understand that […] they shouldn’t Swallow everything that came through the tap, whether it was radio or not.” He succeeded beyond his wildest expectations, while claiming absolute innocence the next day. The “Panic Broadcast”, as it would be known, became the most notorious radio broadcast in history.

The Complete War of the Worlds tells the story behind the story – how H.G. Wells’ tale of Martian invasion captured the imagination of Orson Welles, and how the book and the broadcast went on to inspire hundreds of imitators.

In this book and audio CD, you will hear the actual 1938 Orson Welles broadcast, read the original book by H.G. Wells and the radio play by Howard Koch, and see the people, places and things that turned a story into a legend.

Genre: Musik
Subjects: Exobiologie, Mars