100 Jahre Knie: Die Schweizer Zirkusdynastie, eine Familiensaga by Thomas Renggli

Circus Knie – die Schweizer Zirkus-Dynastie Erfolge, Tragödien, Schweizer Kulturgut Die über 200-jährige Historie der Dynastie Knie ist geprägt von Höhen und Tiefen: von grossen Errungenschaften und schweren Rückschlägen, von romantischen Liebesgeschichten und boshaften Intrigen. Die Knies spiegeln die Zeitgeschichte. Sie erlebten die Neuordnung Europas durch den Wiener Kongress 1815, machten Kriege und Wirren durch. Sie werden vom Wirtschaftswunder des 20. Jahrhunderts wieder nach oben gespült. Und vor allem gehören sie in jeder Schweizer Familie zum Kulturgut. Dieses packende Buch erzählt zum 100. Geburtstag des Schweizer National-Circus die ganze Geschichte: ungeschminkt, ungefiltert – und mit der ganzen Magie der Manege.

Genre: Geschenk, Kunstband
Subjects: Folklore

Star Legends by Clark Wissler, Wolf-head

Native American Star Legends:

THE STAR myths in this booklet were narrated to Clark Wissler by Wolf-head, a Blackfoot Indian. An oral translation was made by an English-speaking Indian and this translation was recorded as presented here. The narrative follows closely the style of the narrator and the translator, and in this way something of the personality of the story teller is retained. Wolf-head understood that these myths would be published eventually and as he proceeded it was realized that he was making the artistic effort of his life.

At the time of the recording, 1903, Wolf-head was an elderly man, his death occurring two years later. No Indian of his age knew the date of his birth, as there were no true calendars, but Wolf-head believed he was born about 1840. So he, as a young man, went to war, hunted buffalo and lived the life of an aboriginal before his tribe was settled upon a reservation. The last story told by Wolf-head was the tale of the Twin Brothers and was evidently regarded by him as his masterpiece. The reader may prefer the simple tale of the Fixed Star or perhaps Scar-Face, but to Wolf-head, with his understanding of what Blackfoot life was like when they were a free, proud people, the story of the Twin Brothers had a strong appeal.

Genre: Mythologie
Subjects: Folklore, Sternbilder